Today is the great day, this day is the first time that I am doing lecturing activity as lecturer assistance of Mr. Widodo in agricultural and machinery design study , I have challenge to bringing out the material of agricultural machinery maintenance and management, I am prepare the lecturing material from last year stuff, and adding the new innovation and technology that I found on Internet.
I am trying to combine the material from previous and the new lecturing method student centered learning, it’s familiar called SCL, but sometimes I like to call it Student Center Linux :p..Today I am implement this method in student discussion after the material presentation, I involve the student to give their opinion in some material that student could tell about their experience when he was field practices, in my opinion this method is effective to invite the student to think about the topics and also remembered the result, I know this method is good, but the lecturer just like a moderator in a seminar, this is not good for long term lecturing activity, the material couldn’t base on the lecturer knowledge, the lecturing activity will not running on the track if the lecture have not enough knowledge about the material.