Study on Plant Motion Measurement and Analysis Utilizing Computer Vision: Development of Automatic Plant Motion Analysis using Optical Flow

Plants, like other living things, have biological clocks that allow them to respond the changes in time and environment1). At day, plants do photosynthesis to produce carbohydrate such as sugar. While at night, plants distribute the stored the carbohydrate to grow leaves, stem flowers, fruits, and roots. Analysis of plant growth and motion at night … Read more

Development of Smart Cloud-based Irrigation Controller: Real-time Evapotranspiration Monitoring in Tomato Greenhouse

The smart irrigation controller is a controller that reduces water use by monitoring and utilizing site environmental information and applying the right amount of water. These controllers receive feedback from the irrigated system and adjust irrigation duration and/or frequency accordingly. There are generally two types of smart controllers: climatologically based and soil moisture-based. Climatologically based … Read more