Continuation of Te Key combined with another verb to explain something

The Te Key or Te format is explain the condition in present situation, we can add the complementery to expalin something: 1. Please… we can add the words te + “kudasai” example: “please give me your money” –> watashi ni okane o moratte kudasai (わたしに お金 を もらって ください) “please drink this cofee” –> kono kohii o nonde kudasai … Read more

Japanese Verb Transformation Song..

From the task of course, we must memorize and figure verb transformation in this levels, Sensei give us some funny way to memorize the transforamtion pattern with song, please cek this out: みんあさんーみんさん てけい おぼいしまそ うつるって ぶぬむんで くいて ぐいで すして

Japanese Verb Transformation

The last meeting we study about kanji, memorize the figure of kanji, practices how to write the characters and make new noun/place with kanji. Now we study about verb, in this level we must study hard, why? It’s because the sensei? The course material or the time of course ?, yeah..all of the previous reason are the background for the student to be better to their study.
OK, we start to identify the typical of verb, in 2th level we was study how to use masu and mashita Masu is familiar used to explain the future activity, and Mashita common used to explain the past activity. We can figured as bellow

Mashita |—————-[Now {Te} ] —————–| Masu

the third level we will study how to use the present activity, in above we can saw the Now or Te Verb, in japanese called “Te key”. There are have one convention how to change verb from basic mean (jisho key) to Masu(ます), Te(て) or Mashita(ました). We just take a look for characters before Masu(ます), and then check the transformation bellow.

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