Lecture Note: Presenting Data, tables, graph, summary

This morning is the 3rd meeting in this class, the material is more specific in how to process our data and the objective is we can understand about the whole general future of data.  After we knew about many type of data, the next step is make analysis using tables, graph and summary.


Tables show the frequency distribution, for nominal and ordinal data, a frequency distribution consist of a set od classes or categories along with numerical counts. If we using tables for our data presentation it will help us to show either summary or details data. the aims of summary data is showing numerical data and dont’ forget to show the number of samples examines, not only presenting the ration but also number of samples.

For discrete or continuous data, Frequency Distribution myst break down into the arrange of values of the observations into a series of distinct and also non overlapping intervals. please also remember that discrete ~ counting number *red.

There are two kind of FD that we can use in data presentation, first is absolute frequency :show us the whole number of counting, this part give us rough number that it doesn’t resume in precent. The second is relative Frequency, this relative frequency usually presented in precent and this method is help us to make it easy to compare with another sets data. Relative frequency are useful for comparing sets od fata that contain unequal member of observations.


Pictorial representation of numerical data, easily understand the general patterns of a set of observations, Likes tables, they should be clearly labeled and unit of measurement should be indicated. the example of graphs is box plot, Bar Chart, Histograms, Frequency polygons, two way scatter plots and Line Graphs.

Farther  details about each grap will present next post.

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