Project Management Lecture Note

projectmanagementToday I attend the project management class, not like as previous, i am just attend the online course and i have nothing to memorize on my mind. Ok..I will make notes to help me remember the lecture materials.

Project management knowledge is consists of four: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. each part will be explained farther in the next passages. Planning is the first step in management, in case of military, that is very important once. Steven Covey said

" try to understand first and to be understood"

we must hear anything from our personnel and understood what the best planning for our team. we must know about our position, leader or employee.

Organizing, organize our employee and resource to achieve goals of organization. sometimes, if we are in leader position, we met get critics and advices from our employee, it’s difficult to understand and accept is. we must allocate resource and human to get the effective action. it’s different between effective and efficient, we choose the effective for our decision making process. Business management in project following the military business planning. Leading, The leader must optimize the employee talent, capable to give motivation and make good working environment  for the employee so that the employee can motivate their self. choosing the good supervisor not only smart or superior but also commitment and good chance in the future.Controlling is process to control process and result, we must adjust the process to get the result as we plan before.

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