seminar note:Agriculture and Integrated Production (IP) in Europe: The Almeria Case

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]inter 2012. Today i had opportunity to join special seminar in IT-Agriculture, held by Laboratory of Farm Management, my neighbor laboratory. The keynote speaker is Prof. Fernando Bievenido frrom Departement of Computer Language and Science, University of Almeria, Spain. He will explain his research entitled “Agriculture and Integrated Production(IP) in Europe: The Almeria’s Case”. In this note, I just try retell what I catch from his interesting topics.

Cooperation between all the agent was really the key point of implementation Integrated Production(IP)

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Let’s know the Arduino

Winter @ kashiihama. Firstly i heard about Arduino when I was study in Electrical Engineering, just heard from my friend who takes thesis topic about arduino for home controlling. I have been looking for a while to his device and just thinking that not related to my thesis in that time.

After discuss and listen to research presentation in end year seminar, about system measuring in tractor movement using arduino by Fukushima Sensei from Mie University, our research team consider to adopt this technology for improve field monitoring and actuating system. In other hand, we have to familiar first with this device and how to program it. Actually this is my first time to do research with arduino, that’s why I start  to learn from official site and step by step to know what is arduino.

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End Year Seminar

December 22, my laboratory held annual seminar, named end year seminar. This event held by two laboratory related in agrocultural mqchinery and agricultural information system. Two laboratory mentioned above is Bioproduction Engineering laboratory and Agricultural information System Laboratory. So which laboratory Ibelongs to? actually I interested in agricultural information system, more popular as agricultural informatics. I belongs to bioproduction engineering laboratory, but my research is actually close to the neighborhood. No problem, after listening and watching presentation research from these two laborqtory, I can understand what is the main concerns in each laboratory research. This is a little note that I can catch from this end year seminar.

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Lecture Note: Presenting Data, tables, graph, summary

This morning is the 3rd meeting in this class, the material is more specific in how to process our data and the objective is we can understand about the whole general future of data.  After we knew about many type of data, the next step is make analysis using tables, graph and summary.


Tables show the frequency distribution, for nominal and ordinal data, a frequency distribution consist of a set od classes or categories along with numerical counts. If we using tables for our data presentation it will help us to show either summary or details data. the aims of summary data is showing numerical data and dont’ forget to show the number of samples examines, not only presenting the ration but also number of samples.

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The New Japanese vocabulary that must be memorized

Next week, I have the japanese exam, it about the 3rd level class in Pusat Budaya Jepang Yogyakarta, The time feel so fast, we must memorized the material and the kanji characters, yeah..this is the some part of the material that I must memorized, はじめましょお。。 おぼえます (oboemasu) = memorize, remember わすれます (wasuremasu) = forget ばくします … Read more


わたしのしゅみは じてんしゃをのります、まいあさげしょくからぢがくまでじてんしゃをのっています。7じかんまえに、あさごはんをたべています、それからミルクとぱんをたべています。ときどき、はやくたべることができます、でもおもしろくないですよ、いそんでいますです。じてんしゃのなまえはサピです、とえもおもしろいでえすから、げんきですよ。 選手の土曜日、ともだちとcangkringan でじてんしゃをのりました、ともだちわしゃしんをもっていきました、cangkringan に しゃしんをとていましたへいきました。ひるはみずとぱんおたべています、とてもつかれます、でもこれはおもしろいです。